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Monthly Archives: October 2019

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Do not run away from a charging dog

When a dog that you do not know charges you on the street, your instinct is to run away. Don’t do it. This is only going to make the situation worse. For instance, imagine that you go out for a jog. You do not see… Read more

Lesser known impacts of spinal cord injuries

Thinking about a spinal cord injury often conjures up thoughts of paralysis. What many people don’t realize is that there are many things that happen beyond the inability to move the arms and legs that can occur in these cases. Sometimes, these are the effects… Read more

Great risks come from falls, older Americans at an increased risk

Slip-and-fall accidents lead to severe injuries. Unfortunately, many different things can lead to this type of incident. No matter how old the person who falls is, they might suffer from broken bones. The risk of this happening is more significant for older people because of… Read more

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