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Safety must be a priority for all businesses

A trip to your local store should never entail having to fight for your life. However, hazards can exist when retailers don’t use proper safety procedures. When a shopper suffers an injury at one of these businesses, a lawsuit can follow. The victim has the ability to seek compensation for the damages they suffered because of the incident.

One point that comes up in these cases is who holds the liability for the accident. Often, California’s negligence laws will come into the picture. This involves taking a look at the circumstances of the accident and determining whether the representatives of the business should have had knowledge of the hazard, as well as what steps the company took to warn consumers or prevent accidents.

Outdoor hazards

Two primary hazards in the outdoor space at stores and shopping centers are defects in the paving of the parking lot and the lighting. People might trip on raised edges of cracks in the pavement, and poor lighting can make it difficult to avoid possible hazards. There should also be clear markings for crosswalks over the main travel lanes through the parking lot and signage regarding the acceptable speed limit.

Sale hazards

Special events and sales at retailers can lead to specific issues. Crowd control, for example, is critical when a lot of shoppers are expected. This is a problem that was common during Black Friday sales in years past, but most retailers have gotten better about keeping shoppers orderly.

Indoor hazards

Right at the entrance of the business, shoppers face a hazard if it is raining. Water from shoes can lead to slick conditions unless there are mats and fans to help control the water. Wet floor signs can provide a warning for people coming through the doors to be careful.

Any spills around the store should be cleaned right away. Signage around the spill is critical until the area is clean and dry.

The way that employee stock the shelves can also lead to hazards. Shelving units that are top-heavy can cause them to collapse, which can lead to shopper injuries. Items can also slide off those shelves and strike customers.

Potentially catastrophic impacts

What seems like a simple shopping injury might actually has devastating effects on your life. Getting medical care can provide a diagnosis and treatment plan. The cost of this care, the missed wages and other related damages may all be part of your claim. Additionally, these cases might include future damages if they are related to the injury.

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Suite 350 Pasadena, CA 91107
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